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Welcome to the A to Z of refuse & recycling in Erewash – An online database of useful information.
Below you will find information and links related to household waste, garden waste and most importantly recycling. The information or links provided will guide you to more information on our website and this should ensure you get the most from the services we provide. If you still cannot find what you are looking for please phone 0115 9072244 and our customer service advisors will be happy to help.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Aerosols - can be placed in your green bags/blue bins for recycling but please make sure they are empty first. Alternatively you may dispose of them at one of our recycling sites which are placed throughout the borough.
Aluminium & Steel Cans - Aluminium foil including traditional milk bottle tops, aluminium food trays/containers and clean baking foil can all be placed in your green bags/blue bins for recycling or taken to one of our recycling sites.
Assisted collections - If you have difficulty putting your bin/recycling bags out for collection you may be eligible for an assisted collection and you will be offered a free 140 blue bin for recycling.
Asbestos - Please follow this link for more information on asbestos.
Baby clothes/ items - All clothing and shoes may be disposed of at one of our textile banks at our recycling sites. Alternatively why not take unwanted clothing and baby or children's unwanted toys to a local charity or advertise them on one of the many recycling sites widely available. Just type 'recycle' in to any search engine on the internet followed by the item you wish to sell or give away and browse the sites.
Batteries - some local supermarkets have containers where you can put batteries for recycling, or you can take to the recycling and household waste centre at Manners Avenue Industrial Estate, Ilkeston.
Which batteries can I recycle?
- All AAA and AA cells
- Sizes C and D
- Button batteries (e.g. watch or hearing aid batteries)
- Mobile phone batteries
- Laptop batteries
- Power tool batteries
We can also accept rechargeable batteries.
Bins - Information relating to waste and recycling collections can be found at refuse, recycling and garden waste collections.
Bottles – Glass & plastic bottles (and both plastic and metal bottle tops) may be placed in your green bags/blue bins or taken to one of our 15 recycling sites. Alternatively try using returnable glass milk bottles through a doorstep delivery service. Some dairies also deliver soft drinks and bottled water in returnable bottles.
Bric-a-brac – Charity shops will always welcome good quality bric-a-brac. If you have a sufficient quantity, why not try a car boot sale or jumble sale, you could make a profit whilst recycling. Alternatively try visiting one of the many sites such as or
Bulky waste collections - The council provides a residential bulky collection service for items that are not suitable for re-use or recycling or that are too big to fit in the black household waste bin. Please see bulky waste collections for more details and what can and cannot be collected.
Cans – both steel and aluminium cans can be recycled in the green bags/blue bins or alternatively taken to one of our recycling sites.
Cardboard, catalogues & telephone directories – can be placed in your green bags/blue bins or recycled at one of our recycling sites.
Christmas tree Recycling – Every year after the Christmas period Erewash Borough Council operates a Christmas Tree Recycling Scheme. The trees are collected at West Park recycling centre in Long Eaton and Rutland recreation ground car park in Ilkeston.
Clinical waste collections - The council collects clinical and medical waste from residents after a referral from a GP or medical centre.
Commercial waste collections - We are committed to providing commercial premises with collections for both commercial waste and items suitable for our commercial recycling service.
Composting - Composting is a great way to turn your garden waste and kitchen scraps in to useful compost.
Computer equipment can be recycled at one of our waste electrical banks which are sited at West Park in Long Eaton and on Beauvale Drive in Ilkeston. If your IT equipment is still in working order it may be worth considering selling it or giving it away if you wish. Follow this link to broadbandwherever for valuable information relating to your security if you are considering selling or giving away IT equipment.
Dangerous & hazardous waste - Please follow these links for more information on asbestos and paint. Automotive/cooking oil, tyres, chemicals such as bleach, small amounts of rubble/DIY waste and batteries can all be taken to Ilkeston household waste recycling centre.
If you find discarded needles/syringes please contact the council and give them as many details as possible about where and how many needles there are so that they can be removed quickly. Please do not attempt to remove them yourself, they may be contaminated and very dangerous.
If you break an energy saving light bulb please follow this link for more information on how to dispose of it safely.
Energy Saving Light Bulbs or strip lights – Due to the toxic mercury used in the manufacture of these items they cannot be placed in any of our waste receptacles. Please take these to the Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre. If you break an energy saving light bulb please follow this link for more information on how to dispose of it safely.
Extra capacity - Families of six or over permanent residents may purchase an extra 140 litre household waste black bin or a brown bin for garden waste for £26.10, families of eight or over permanent residents may purchase an extra 240 litre black or brown bin for £28.15. This bin becomes the property of the resident who purchased the bin and it is therefore the responsibility of the resident to find or replace the bin if it is lost or stolen. Please ensure you mark the bin for easy identifiacation in case it is lost or stolen. For more information please follow this link household waste.
Fly tipping - If you see fly tipping anywhere within the borough please contact the council or our pride line to report this.
Foil – Recycle foil in your green bags/blue bins or at the Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre. Many foil items can be placed in the green bags/blue bins for recycling such as take-away trays, pie and quiche cases and oven-ready meal trays. Remember to clean foil before you recycle it.
Food Waste - Food waste should be wrapped in paper and then sealed within an airtight bag and placed in the household waste bin. Food waste must not be placed in either the brown bin which is for garden waste or the green bags/blue bins or this will contaminate the recycling and the whole load will be sent to landfill.
Freedom of Information requests - Residents can request information from the council through the freedom of information act.
Furniture - If you want to recycle your old furniture you can make a positive difference not only to the environment but also to local people and communities by donating to a local charity such as Salcare Furniture Project - open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 3.30pm, Friday 8.30am to 3pm and Saturday 9am to 12.30pm.
If you would like to offer your items to someone in your area free of charge is a free service that allows members to list unwanted items for charities to claim if they wish to do so. After 48 hours the listing becomes available to the general public if it is no use to the charity partners.
Alternatively type 'recycle' in to any search engine on the internet followed by the item you wish to sell or give away and browse the sites.
Glass – Glass bottles and jars (including plastic and metal lids) can be placed in your green bags/blue bins for recycling or deposited in one of the 15 recycling sites dotted around the borough. Some types of glass ae not suitable for placing in the green bags/blue bins and more information can be found on the recycling page.
Garden waste collections - Residents are provided with a brown bin in which to place garden waste.
Green bags - Green bags for the collection of kerbside recyclable materials may be obtained free of charge from the Town Hall at Long Eaton or Ilkeston, Shopmobility in Long Eaton or Ilkeston or by calling 0115 907 2244 or contact the contact centre.
Household waste recycling centre - Items that are unsuitable for the household waste bin or kerbside collections such as old engine oil or cooking oil, tyres, small amounts of rubble or DIY waste and batteries can be taken to Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre. Extra household waste which will not fit in black bin and is unsuitable for re-use or recycling may also be taken here.
Hazardous or dangerous waste - Some household waste is not suitable to place in the household waste bin. Please follow these links for more information on asbestos and paint. Engine oil/cooking oil, tyres, chemicals such as bleach, small amounts of rubble/DIY waste and batteries can all be taken to Ilkeston household waste recycling centre for recycling.
If you find discarded needles/syringes please contact the council and give them as many details as possible about where and how many needles there are so that they can be removed quickly. Please do not attempt to remove them yourself as they may be contaminated and very dangerous.
If you break an energy saving light bulb please follow this link for more information on how to dispose of it safely.
Ilkeston household waste recycling centre - Items that are unsuitable for the household waste bin or kerbside collections such as old car or cooking oil, tyres, small amounts of rubble or DIY waste and batteries can be taken to Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre. Extra household waste which will not fit in black bin and is unsuitable for re-use or recycling may also be taken here.
Junk Mail - Avoid junk mail - contact MPS, Freepost 29 LON20771, London, W1E 0ZT or visit or call 0845 703 4599.
Kitchen Foil - Aluminium Foil - Kitchen foil is made of aluminium, this and other items such as traditional milk bottle tops, aluminium food trays/containers can all be placed in your green bags/blue bins for recycling or taken to one of our recycling sites.
Litter bins - Litter bins are maintained and emptied by the council. If you see damaged or overfull litter bins on street columns, parks etc. we would like you to call us on 0115 9072244 or follow this link.
Lap tops - computer equipment can be recycled at one of our waste electrical banks which are sited at West Park in Long Eaton and on Beauvale Drive in Ilkeston. If your IT equipment is still in working order it may be worth considering selling it or giving it away if you wish. Follow this link to, broadbandwherever for valuable information relating to your security if you are considering selling or giving away IT equipment.
Lost or stolen bins - Replacement of a lost or stolen black or brown 140 or 240 litre bin is £12.00. The bin remains the property of the council and will need to be replaced by the resident if lost or stolen. The council will mark the bin with the house number on delivery to assist the resident.
Magazines – Can be taken to doctors, dentists or hospital waiting rooms, the Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre or placed in your green bags/blue bins for recycling.
Maggots - If flies can get in to either your kitchen bin or wheelie bin and your waste is not bagged and tied securely you may find maggots and flies.
Missed bins/bags - For more information on missed bins or bags please follow this link.
Medical waste - The council collects clinical and medical waste from residents after a referral from a GP or medical centre.
Nappies – These are NOT accepted in your kerbside recycling.
"Eight million nappies are thrown away every day and each child uses a total of 5850 nappies in his or her lifetime" -
Time for a Change is the Derbyshire Real Nappy Campaign. The campaign is supported by the councils of Derbyshire, local real nappy retailers, advisors/agents, laundering companies and healthcare professionals.
We can offer you:
- £25 cashback when spending over £50 on real nappies and covers.
- A two week trial of a nappy lending kit, which costs £5.
- Nappuccino events around the county – a chance to meet a nappy adviser and find out more about real nappies.
For further information and advice on real nappies please contact Tel: 01629 539788 or email:
Needles/syringes - If you find discarded needles/syringes please contact the council and give them as many details as possible about where and how many needles there are so that they can be removed quickly. Please do not attempt to remove them yourself as they may be contaminated and very dangerous.
Oil - Unwanted or waste engine oil or cooking oil can be taken to Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre.
Paint - Paint has to be disposed of in a specific way in order to prevent harm to the environment. Please do not pour paint down the drain.
- Donate unwanted paints and varnishes to your nearest community re-paint site.
- Look for disposal or recycling instructions on the packaging of the product.
Paint reuse - Community re-paint is a network of paint reuse schemes across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The purpose of the project is to collect leftover reusable paint from householders, and redistribute it to those who need paint but cannot afford it. The Community re-paint site will tell you more about the scheme and help you find your nearest RePaint scheme.
Paper - Residents can place all types of paper and cardboard in the green bags/blue bins for recycling.
Plastics – Residents can place all types of plastic in the green bags/blue bins for recycling.
Recycling sites - The council has 15 recycling sites across the borough, more information on where these sites are located can be found at recycling sites.
Rubble and DIY waste - small quantities can be taken to Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre.
Replacement recycling bags - Green bags for the collection of kerbside recyclable materials may be obtained free of charge from the Town Hall at Long Eaton or Ilkeston, Shopmobility in Long Eaton or Ilkeston or by calling our customer service advisors on 0115 9072244 or contact the contact centre.
Shredded Paper – Can be put into your home compost bin or used as pet bedding. It can also be placed in your green bags/blue bins or in the blue mixed recycling banks at our recycling sites.
Shoes – Take them to your nearest charity shop or to one of the textile recycling banks at our recycling sites. Please remember to tie them in pairs otherwise they tend to go astray.
Syringes/needles - If you find discarded needles/syringes please contact the council and give them as many details as possible about where and how many needles there are so that they can be removed quickly. Please do not attempt to remove them yourself as they may be contaminated and very dangerous.
Severe weather - In severe weather where it is deemed unsafe to allow the vehicles and staff to collect scheduled bins we ask residents to leave their bins out as these bins will be given priority and collected as soon as it is safe to do so. The contact centre will be able to help any residents who may have specific questions and an automated answer service giving details of any changes can be accessed if the weather is affecting the service by calling 0115 9072244.
Solar panels - More information can be found at Solar Panel Guide.
Special waste collections - The council provides a free residential bulky collection service for items that are not suitable for re-use or recycling or that are too big to fit in the black household waste bin. Please see bulky waste collections for more details and what can and cannot be collected.
Telephone Directories – catalogues and other large brochures may be placed in your green bags/blue bins for recycling or taken to one of the many recycling sites around the Borough.
Textiles – All clean and dry clothing and shoes, even imperfect items may be recycled. Items include, jackets, trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses, underwear, scarves, belts, cardigans, sweaters, coats, shirts, blouses, pyjamas, hats, socks, gloves and paired shoes. Textiles can be taken to charity shops, placed in textile banks at one of our recycling sites or taken to the Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre at Manners Industrial Estate in Ilkeston. Searching 'textile recycling' on the internet will also give other ways in which you may wish to dispose of unwanted clothing.
Trade waste - We are committed to providing commercial premises with collections for both commercial waste and items suitable for our commercial recycling service.
Tyres - Unwanted or used car tyres can be taken to Ilkeston household waste and recycling centre.
Unemptied bins - In severe weather where it is deemed unsafe to allow the vehicles and staff to collect scheduled bins we ask residents to leave their bins out as these bins will be given priority and collected as soon as it is safe to do so. The contact centre will be able to help any residents who may have specific questions and an automated answer giving details of any changes can be accessed by calling 0115 9072244.
If your bin has been missed but your neighbours have not please see missed bins.
Unwanted Mail – (See Junk Mail)
Wallpaper – Only unpainted wallpaper can be put into your green bags/blue bins. you can also take this to one of our recycling sites or the Ilkeston waste and recycling centre at Manners Industrial Estate, Ilkeston.
Waste bins - Information relating to waste and recycling collections can be found at refuse, recycling and garden waste collections.
WEEE (waste electrical & electronic items) The council currently has two recycling banks within the borough for unwanted electrical items, these can be found at West Park recycling centre in Long Eaton and at Beauvale Drive recycling centre in Ilkeston. In addition a carrier bag of unwanted electrical items may be placed out for collection free of charge when you book a white goods collection through either calling 0115 9072244 following this link to contact centre or more information can be found at bulky waste collections.
Yoghurt Pots - These can be placed in your green bags/blue bins for recycling. They can also be placed in one our blue mixed recycling banks at our recycling sites.